Chapter Meetings
Chapter Meeting - April 2014
We had a meeting at INFLPR on April, 17, 2014 to discuss about future activities of the Chapter and elect new Chapter Officers. We presented the Optics Suitcase that we have just received from OSA and talked about its future use in Education Activities.
New OSA members were introduced to the other members of the Chapter. OSA member benefits and oportunities were presented to the new memebers and also to other students (non-OSA members) that attended the meeting.
Chapter Meeting - March 2014
We had a meeting at INFLPR on March, 6, 2014 to discuss about future of the Chapter. The activities of the last year have been reviewed. We talked about this year activities already sponsored by OSA. This year we received 2 grants from OSA, one for education activities and one for proffessional development.
We have also talked about International Year of Light (IYL) 2015.
Pizza Party - October 2013
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Between 5-6 One of our Chapter members, Alina Ionescu attended OSA Student Leadership Conference in Orlando-Florida, US.

In March 2013, a new Chapter Administrative Committee was elected.